Thursday, April 26, 2012

Fourth Sunday of Easter


First Reading: Acts 4: 8-12
Second Reading 1 Jn 3:1-2
Gospel Reading  Jn.. 10: 11-18

*First Reading is from the Acts of the Apostles. When Peter healed a crippled man, people looked at him with awe. Peter courageously tells the people that the cure of the cripple from birth was not done by his own power or ability. But through the power of Jesus who the Jews had crucified . But God raised him Peter also asserts that Christ has become the cornerstone which would bring salvation to all.

* Second reading is from the first letter of St. John . John puts before us the basic effects of incarnation that is we are called children of God. Hence we shall see him as he is in future life. Christ has united all of us in a special relationship with God the Father.

"The Good Shepherd lays down his life for the sheep"

Today's Gospel reading is from St. John where Jesus speaks of himself as the Good Shepherd. Of all the images we have of Christ the one which is dearest to us and with which we are most familiar is probably that of the Good Shepherd. It is such a lovely image and is deeply rooted in the Bible. We can say that the Good Shepherd gives his life for the sheep; the voiceless and powerless in the society. He watches over them and not one is lost. He still continues to do the same. At the end of his life on earth, he gave his precious body and blood to his beloved sheep, so that all of them may be redeemed.

When Jesus spoke of the tender loving care of God, he told the people the parable of the Good Shepherd. The Shepherd when one of his sheep is lost, he leaves the other ninetynine on the hillside and goes of in search of the lost one. He searches for the lost sheep untill he finds it. And then taking it on his shoulders he returns to share his joy with his neighbours. Jesus continues to search until he finds the lost one.
The Good Shepherd challenges us .. I have come to seek out and save the lost.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Second Sunday of Easter


First Reading: Acts. 4:32-35
Second Reading: 1Jn. 5:1-6
Gospel Reading: Jn . 20:19-31

*First Reading is from the book of Acts of the Apostles. It gives a vivid account of the early Christian community. The risen Christ had a decisive influence in the lives of his followers. Their unity of heart and mind is praise worthy. It is a community ideally faithful to the Gospel message where believers shared faith and shared their possessions.

* Second reading is from the first letter of St. John . John exhorts the Christians to live a life of Love. The Christian is a child of God. Hence he should show his love for God by keeping God's commandments.

"Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe"

Gospel reading is from the Gospel of St. John. The disciple at the centre of today's Gospel, Thomas was a deeply wounded man. When Christ his Master and friend was put to a horrible death, he was in deep pain and left the company of other disciples. Thus he missed the Risen Lord when he appeared to other disciples. He came to know about it and he was deeply hurt. First thing when Christ appeared was to show him his wounds. They were the proof of his love for his disciples. Then he invited Thomas to touch those wounds. Thus it was by touching and being touched that he was healed of his unbelief and his grief and pain. What Jesus told to Thomas is very relevant. "Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe".
World today is full of doubting Thomases. Many do not believe that Christ is risen and that we can have the experience of the risen Lord in our lives. They will not be convinced unless they can touch his wounds and see the radiance of his face. But this can happen only if the risen Lord is seen in his followers. For that we ourselves need to experience the presence of the Lord in our own lives.